Infrastructure and pension schemes – right asset, wrong time
The subject of pension scheme investment in infrastructure is on the agenda once again, and it is clear why. The United Kingdom needs increased investment in infrastructure, and pension schemes need long-term investments. Many infrastructure...

View from the bottom – thoughts from a white belt
When I qualified as an actuary, it was made clear that qualification was not the end of the journey. It was stressed that just because we’d passed some exams, that didn’t mean we knew everything: we’d continue to learn throughout our careers....

The real pensions crisis – and it’s not at Tata Steel
The UK Government has essentially ruled out breaking the laws on pensions to save Tata Steel. This is the right decision. However, just because Tata Steel is no longer on the front pages, this should not detract from the fact that there is...
Step into the Great Unknown – The Actuary
It’s hard to imagine a time when there was more uncertainty, at least in living memory. The most recent comparison is the global financial crisis that started in 2008. Then, nobody knew exactly what exposure the banks had, which threatened the stability for the global...

Brexit: a silver lining for Bremainers?
I found the result of the EU referendum deeply troubling. This is partly because we're turning our back on Europe. We're rejecting an institution which, despite its faults, has meant that we've had peace across the Channel for more than seventy...

Odds and polls – what the Brexit numbers mean
The referendum on the UK’s membership of the EU is now only a few days away. This means that there is more focus than ever on the opinion polls. But as well as these polls, we also have the odds on the referendum being quoted by a large number...