This week I published a paper looking at the history - and future - of the UK State Pension. I came to the conclusion that to keep this benefit affordable, some means testing would ultimately be necessary. This conclusion was controversial, but I still...
Call to cut state pension for wealthy – FT Adviser
An actuarial professor has advocated means testing as a a way of keeping the state pension age at 65 for both men and women. In 'Surfing the Tsunami: A plan for state pension reform', Paul Sweeting, Professor of Actuarial Science at Kent University, said this could be...
State Means Testing will be Necessary, Says Report – Financial Times
Means testing of the UK state pension for better-off pensioners will be necessary to keep the pension affordable for future generations and fair for the poor, according to a study. Analysis from the University of Kent suggested state pension payments should be limited...
Old enough to draw your pension?
The Pensions Act 2014 requires the UK Government to review the State Pension age (SPA) during each Parliament, and the first such review closed on 31 December 2016. In its response to this review, the the Pensions and Lifetime Savings...
The trouble with discounting pensions (not the problem with using bond yields)
A growing number of commentators are arguing against the use of bond yields to value defined benefit pension liabilities. These objections often focus on the asset allocation of these pension plans, which they assert typically include...
Infrastructure and pension schemes – right asset, wrong time
The subject of pension scheme investment in infrastructure is on the agenda once again, and it is clear why. The United Kingdom needs increased investment in infrastructure, and pension schemes need long-term investments. Many infrastructure...