The UK Government has essentially ruled out breaking the laws on pensions to save Tata Steel. This is the right decision. However, just because Tata Steel is no longer on the front pages, this should not detract from the fact that there is...

The UK Government has essentially ruled out breaking the laws on pensions to save Tata Steel. This is the right decision. However, just because Tata Steel is no longer on the front pages, this should not detract from the fact that there is...
Last week I gave a couple of talks at the Pensions, Risk and Investment Conference, organised by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. One of them was based on a recent paper I wrote* on pension scheme funding. The talk seemed to strike a chord with many...
A while ago I co-wrote a paper that looked at the interaction between a pension scheme's investment strategy and the financial strength of its sponsor. As an example, we looked at a pension scheme whose sponsor was an oil company. We argued...
The Government has now issued its consultation on CPI for private-sector pensions. This raises a number of issues, and asks some challenging questions. One that will certainly generate responses is the question of whether CPI should be imposed on pension...
The Government has confirmed plans to link private sector pension increases to CPI rather than RPI, bringing them into line with the proposals for public sector schemes. This could save schemes a significant amount of money - around £100bn by some...
Retirement ages are going to have to rise. This has been made clear in recent suggestions that the State pension age for men will not only rise from 65 to 66 by 2016, but will also continue to rise by one year in every five, which has had some people...