Financial Enterprise Risk Management (Second Edition, 2017)
This comprehensive, yet accessible, guide to enterprise risk management for financial institutions contains all the tools needed to build and maintain an ERM framework. It discusses the internal and external contexts with which risk management must be carried out, and...

Surfing the Tsunami: a Plan for State Pension Reform (2017)
The UK has had a universal State Pension since the Old-Age Pension of 1909. This has evolved over more than a century, but for much of this time, the affordability of the UK State Pension has been an issue. And for some years, the most visible answer to this issue has...

Surfing the Tsunami: a Plan for State Pension Reform (pdf, 2017)
The UK has had a universal State Pension since the Old-Age Pension of 1909. This has evolved over more than a century, but for much of this time, the affordability of the UK State Pension has been an issue. And for some years, the most visible answer to this issue has...
The Cost and Value of Pension Provision – Annals of Actuarial Science (2017)
Over the last 20 years, the extent of defined benefit provision has declined substantially in the United Kingdom. Whilst most of the focus has been on deficits relating to past benefit accrual, the increasing cost of future benefit accrual is also important. There are...

The Spaceboy who was Scared of Heights (2017)
Freddie is training to be a spaceboy - but he's scared of heights! Can his friends Alexandra, Josephine and Michael help him overcome his fears?
A Piecewise Linear Cohort Extension to the Cairns-Blake-Dowd Model – Pensions Institute Discussion Paper PI-1205 (with Y.Zhao, 2016)
Age-Period-Cohort ("APC") models have been criticised on a number of grounds. One area of concern is in relation to projecting future cohorts. However, we would argue that such projection is unnecessary in some key cases, such as for closed defined benefit pension...